2024 Marketing Trends and Predictions

2024 Marketing Trends and Predictions

Grab your crystal balls and join us as we predict the marketing trends we think we’ll see in 2024. Spoiler alert: we’re entering our Truman Show era with product placement influencer posts and, like it or not, AI is here to stay. Let’s begin!

AI-Powered Marketing

AI is the next big star in the automated marketing world. From personalized recommendations for feeds to chatbots providing perfect customer support, we expect AI to be the driving force behind hyper-targeted campaigns. AI comes with its own steep learning curve, but the rewards of this labor-light tech boon will be felt throughout the marketing world. Not only can AI data processing lead to more niche targeting for customers, but it also allows for an automated outreach program that allows you to laser-target customers interested in your products. 

With AI reaching every corner of the marketing world, we expect to see much more AI integration for small businesses, allowing them to better serve their customer base without hiring more employees, a boon for business owners on a tight budget. Instead of staffing a customer support roster, automated AI will likely take over the customer service platform, acting as an automated triage for customer questions. This has proven especially useful for answering customer questions outside of business hours, as it means that the days of 24/7 support hiring are likely drawing to a close. Of course, AI does have some downfalls that need working out, such as the inability to tell authoritative statements apart, but as the technology continues to grow, so too will its role in marketing. 

Video Dominance

We predict video dominance is the future of marketing. As it is, video content already has a firm hold on social media, with platforms like TikTok and Instagram leveraging the medium to great success. In 2024, we estimate that videos will break free of social media mores and end up taking over every aspect of marketing, from product pages to email marketing and even real-life product placements like billboards and signs. Whether in the form of short-form stories or long-form product demos, we see video becoming the go-to medium for audience engagement.

With a drop in attention span, it’s hard to believe video will once again regain its foothold as the main communication mode for marketing companies. Still, with an appeal to more down-to-earth marketing campaigns with subtle selling points, video is likely to make a resurgence. Influencer content will trend toward vlogs and other informational posts, and product demos will help further smooth the transition to largely online product sales, allowing customers to easily preview products before making their purchase. Video may also act as a way for companies to provide personal testimonials, allowing customers to connect with small business owners and gain more brand awareness along the way. 

Influencer Evolution

2024 will see a switch in the way influencers operate. While product placements won’t change as a concept, we expect to see these placements become more integrated into day-to-day life videos and other activities. Instead of videos meant to sell the product outright, we expect more subtle product placements, convincing customers that these products fit in their lives without overwhelming them in pursuit of a sale. This shift toward authentic use and natural fit will support brand identity as a whole and allow companies to easily market products without further wearing out an advertising-adverse customer base. 

2023 has seen plenty of personal videos and advertisements enmeshed in daily life vlogs, and we expect to see more of these in 2024. These vlogs connect with customers and give the influencers a genuine appeal, which fits well into the goals we expect for 2024. We expect fewer product testing videos and more videos outlining a daily habit, such as selling a tea by showing it as part of a routine rather than something worth reviewing. This subtle switch in advertising may appeal to a wider customer base and help with brand awareness and identity by conflating these brands with the lives of influencers. 

Storytelling Resurgence

As we mentioned before, customers in 2024 will likely be burned out on overt advertisements and influencer endorsements. Instead, we expect storytelling to tackle center stage as brands strive to create meaningful narratives that break away from traditional promotional posts. Not only will storytelling have more to do with customer outreach, but we also expect telling your brand’s story to become a central part of your advertising campaign. Not only will this allow customers to better connect with your brand, but we expect this personal touch will work better for product placements as well, leading to streamlined marketing results. 

Storytelling will also likely bleed over into social media platforms, leading to an increased interaction with authentic content that tells a story rather than traditional advertising posts. Combining this storytelling desire with daily-life influencer posts leads to subtler advertising but hopefully more customer engagement, as both give your brand a more approachable feel. 

Social Search

Google might lose its foothold as the only search engine. We expect more users to turn to social media platforms for product discovery and recommendation. With the shift toward more subtle advertisements, however, you shouldn’t fall behind on your tagging and searchability. We expect customers to turn to social media platforms for easy searchability, which means you’ll need to focus on overall discoverability and engagement with your social media posts. Thankfully, tagging and using the right keywords will likely be just as important as it was in the past, so starting properly tagging your posts now will benefit you highly come 2024.  

Looking to learn how your business can adapt and thrive in the dynamic marketing landscape? Contact Planted Marketing today. Not only do we stay abreast of the latest marketing trends, but we work specifically with small and mid-sized businesses to help them up their social media marketing game. No matter where your marketing stands today, we can help you grow it to new heights. Reach out to our team today! 

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